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Heating oil, used in over 1.5 million households in the UK, by households that find themselves not connected to the mains gas supply.
Heating oil, also known as domestic heating Fuel. Burning oil, or kerosene and 28 second Oil. It is light yellowy in colour and can be stored for many years. provided it is stored in the correct way.
Heating oil is Cheap to produce, with many suppliers offering different prices this is why this is the right time to be using a comparison site like ours www.SpendLessOnFuel where you can join for FREE and find the lowest priced companies delivering in your area and compare the different prices on offer, fitting your personal requirements
Heating oil.
Heating oil is cosidered more environmentally Friendly when burned, better than coal or wood.
It is more than 50% efficient than electric and 10% more than gas and with its clean burn it produces less carbon monoxide emission. Can be used for Heating your home or just for heating the water in the summer months.
Premium Heating oil (Kerosene)
This is Standard Heating Oil that has been treated with a special stabilizing-Fuel additive. It is Greener, cleaner and more efficient than other types of Heating Oil. Making it the first choice of anyone wanting to improve the performance of their heating system, as well as people using heating oil to cook with in their Aga or Rayburns
Over time standard Heating oil Degrades and can cause sludge to build up in your Oil Tank. Causing firing problems and jets to get blocked up. The Additives added to premium Heating oil are designed to stop this happening and helps keep the oil fresher. This should help your heating system be more efficient and have less chances of a breakdown.
Some suppliers also sell an additive that is designed with Agas and Rayburns this burns hotter and helps prevent the build up of soot in the jets.
The other thing one should always keep in mind is that the more efficient your boiler is, the less it costs you to run.
As part of our pricing system you will always be able to see the difference in price between standard heating oil and premium oil and the cost of the additive should you need the extra for cooking on your Aga/Rayburn
Check out the difference in the price by signing in to the site and check out the best offers available for your personal requirements.